Monday, June 22, 2009

UNREST Amongst Cable News Viewers

As one of America’s many news junkies, I spend many hours surfing between all the news channels to get the latest on what is happening in the world. This weekend I finally got very aggravated with each and every news channel who for some reason don’t think we know what channel we are watching. You know what I am talking about; "Up Next, Breaking New Video...";A new video from the internet is being shown on “X” Cable News Network; icons take up more than one third of the screen with some “Network Information Icons", and under that taking up another half an inch is the “Breaking News Crawler”. In addition, the Network Symbol Logo icon and another icon with the name of the show.

All and all viewers get between one to two thirds of the actual video the announcer claims you want people to see. What is wrong with you media people? Don’t you watch your own broadcast? Even with high definition 50 inch television, viewers miss a lot of important stuff.

When viewers connect laptop computers to the television set, the entire video can be viewed unobstructed. So why do viewers need to watch the main stream media? Get a clue, main stream media all those icons are NOT really necessary? We know what network and show we are watching, we don’t need instructions. Get rid of the clutter.

Don’t make me have to hook up my lap top and turn you off!

Thursday, June 4, 2009

"The View", Open Mouth Insert Elizabeth...

Elizabeth was Wrong About President Obama’s Speech…

I don’t usually post on message boards, or comment about the many issues I disagree with Elizabeth about; this morning, however, I felt I had to take issue and point out her major mistake. One of the reasons I sometimes change the channel on the View is because Elizabeth is often inaccurate on issues she speaks about. Stop drinking the Kook-Aid Elizabeth, stop letting the talking points make you look like you are an unintelligent fool. Do your own homework and research before you open your mouth.

This morning Elizabeth stated President Obama did not mention Democracy in his speech. You obviously did not listen to the entire speech. I have copied the relevant portion below for you, which you could have found the same place I did as the speech transcript was posted at “White”

“…The fourth issue that I will address is democracy. (Applause.)

I know -- I know there has been controversy about the promotion of democracy in recent years, and much of this controversy is connected to the war in Iraq. So let me be clear: No system of government can or should be imposed by one nation by any other.

That does not lessen my commitment, however, to governments that reflect the will of the people. Each nation gives life to this principle in its own way, grounded in the traditions of its own people. America does not presume to know what is best for everyone, just as we would not presume to pick the outcome of a peaceful election. But I do have an unyielding belief that all people yearn for certain things: the ability to speak your mind and have a say in how you are governed; confidence in the rule of law and the equal administration of justice; government that is transparent and doesn't steal from the people; the freedom to live as you choose. These are not just American ideas; they are human rights. And that is why we will support them everywhere. (Applause.)

Now, there is no straight line to realize this promise. But this much is clear: Governments that protect these rights are ultimately more stable, successful and secure. Suppressing ideas never succeeds in making them go away. America respects the right of all peaceful and law-abiding voices to be heard around the world, even if we disagree with them. And we will welcome all elected, peaceful governments -- provided they govern with respect for all their people.

This last point is important because there are some who advocate for democracy only when they're out of power; once in power, they are ruthless in suppressing the rights of others. (Applause.) So no matter where it takes hold, government of the people and by the people sets a single standard for all who would hold power: You must maintain your power through consent, not coercion; you must respect the rights of minorities, and participate with a spirit of tolerance and compromise; you must place the interests of your people and the legitimate workings of the political process above your party. Without these ingredients, elections alone do not make true democracy.”