Where is Phil Gramm now that his plan to deregulate every marketable commodity in this country has successfully failed? Where is the man that called
That is what the McCain Campaign does, run and hide…cancel the debate, suspend the campaign, don’t let your running mate be interviewed by the press (The main stream media is being played so well that even though t
hey are being shut out, the airwaves are full of her photos and name. If the main stream media really wanted to show who is in charge, they would truly boycott both McCain and Palin); suppress investigations; refuse to comply with subpoenas, lie, lie, lie, and hope no one learns the truth. Failure to realize the world has moved into the twenty first century, lies can be disproved, researched, traced and there is video, internet newspapers and cameras.
Confession by accusation; lies told by the McCain/Palin campaign in ads, interviews and speeches have been exposed for what they are; in truth the lies told about Senators Obama, Biden and the Democratic National Committee are usually the truth about Senator McCain, Governor Palin and the Republican National Committee. Accusing others of one's own misdeeds, just as done by preschool children. These liars truly believe that Americans are too stupid to see through the games and slight of hand campaign tricks they employ. These liars truly believe that Americans are too stupid to find out that campaign members are still ripping off the American public at the tune of $15,000.00 per month from Freddie Mac.
And the lies keep coming…this new economic crisis and the $700 billion
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